Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

This has been a highly satisfying Christmas season for me.  I've been pondering why this is so, and although I'm not totally sure, there are a few things which have made it special.

* I started playing Christmas music in early November.  You might think this would mean I'd be seriously tired of it by now, but this is not so because I don't have music on all the time.  I only play a cd every now and then...and so I feel that I've heard just enough Christmas music to feel satisfied.

* A wonderful new Christmas CD: Peace on Earth by Casting Crowns.  I actually gave this to Jacob for his birthday (Nov. 28) but Terry and I love it so much that we bought our own copy of it.  The title song is hauntingly beautiful.

* Terry, Jessica and I went to downtown Kalamazoo and wandered through Bronson Park and some nearby streets.  The decorations were beautiful; snow was falling; the Nativity was inspiring and the evening satisfied my Christmas spirit!

* A beautiful Christmas Eve service at church.

* Family visits during November!  My parents, Terry's sister, and my aunt and uncle all visited in the space of about 12 days.  It was busy but fun and just sort of became a part of the holiday season (which technically lasts from Thanksgiving through New Year's!)

* It was our first Christmas with a grandchild. I love giving gifts to my kids, but let's face it, shopping for small children is so much more fun!

I told my kids on Christmas Day how much it means to me that they are all believers, following Christ and making (mostly) wise choices in their lives.  The older I become, the more I value and love the words in the Bible and it blesses my socks off to know that each of our four are 'in the fold'!  I feel deeply blessed to know that God chose me...and that makes this Christmas, and every Christmas, special.  I hope it has been a special one for you, too.

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