Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Year Old

Yesterday, the most precious little girl I know turned one.  Here she was, 366 days ago, when we first saw her in the NICU.

And this was taken last summer... 

and this...

We don't really enjoy her that much, can you tell?



Years ago, when my siblings and I started having children, my Dad told me that he was surprised by two things about being an Opa: how much fun it was, and how much he loved them.  I have thought about that often during the past year, and he is so right.  Having a grandchild is amazing on so many levels.  It is pure fun, of course, for a Baby Junkie like me to, once again, have an infant around who "belongs" to us.  It is gratifying to see her get to know and recognize us, and want to be with us.  It is wonderful to have another little person around to play with all those great toys we have, and to introduce to all the excellent books in our house.  It is cool to live in such a great "Grandparents' House" and actually have a grandchild!

But the thing that I have thought about quite a bit this year is the concept of Legacy.  It has come up often in the ministry with which I'm involved, and it has come to my mind as I've seen our family expand into another generation.  When I saw pictures of three and four generations of Jongkind women, I was struck by the blessing that it is to see, with your own eyes, the succeeding generations of your family.  I've thought a lot about what a privilege it is for me to be involved in Abigail's life; to be an influence and a role model to her, and I've thought about what kind of influence and role model I want to be, and what I want her to learn from me.  I thank God that I am able to be a part of her growing-up years and I pray that I'll use the years wisely.

Finally - this photo blesses my socks off.  As much as I love being a grandmother to this adorable child, I LOVE thinking about my parents being her great-grandparents.  They have enjoyed her so much, the times they have seen her.

Happy Birthday, Abigail!

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